Global Black Thought: Call for Book Reviewers

Global Black Thought, the official journal of the African American Intellectual History Society (AAIHS), is looking for book reviewers for volumes 3 and 4. We are seeking expert reviewers willing to evaluate key works in the field between 1,500 to 2,500 words. These reviews should not merely summarize texts, but carefully explain the book’s contributions, methods, and methodologies. We also want reviewers to examine the book’s place within the larger themes of Black intellectual historiography.
We are seeking reviewers representing various ranks, including ABD graduate students and independent scholars, who work on various aspects of African American history, Africana Studies, and African Diaspora Studies. Those who would like to be considered for writing a review for future issues, should send a brief email ( with their name, biography or brief CV, and a description of their research interests and areas of expertise.
About the Journal
Global Black Thought, published by the University of Pennsylvania Press, is devoted to the study of the Black intellectual tradition. The journal publishes original, innovative, and thoroughly researched essays on Black ideas, theories, and intellectuals in the United States and throughout the African diaspora. Global Black Thought features historically based contributions by authors in diverse fields of study throughout the humanities and social sciences.
While steeped in historical methodologies, Global Black Thought is an interdisciplinary journal informed by scholarship in Africana studies, feminist theory, and critical race theory. The journal welcomes submissions that feature original research and innovative methods. We also extend an invitation to scholars working outside the United States.
Global Black Thought opens new directions for writers interested in understanding the ideas, theories, and ideologies that undergird Black social and political life. The journal encapsulates the best of scholarly research and innovative methods. Essays highlight the wide range of methods and methodologies, including new approaches and diverse and underutilized primary sources–both traditional and unconventional ones. In addition to well-researched, cutting-edge, and deftly argued essays, each issue of the journal features book reviews as well as interviews with influential Black intellectuals whose research is shaping the field.
The African American Intellectual History Society (AAIHS) is a 501 (c)(3) educational non-profit established in 2015 to foster dialogue about researching, writing, and teaching Black thought and culture. The organization supports the research of scholars in the field through an array of fellowships, awards, and prizes, including the Pauli Murray Book Prize and the C.L.R. James Research Fellowships. AAIHS publishes the popular blog Black Perspectives, the leading online platform for public scholarship on global Black thought, history, and culture. AAIHS is open to scholars in all disciplines, including but not limited to African American history, African Diaspora Studies, literature, philosophy, art, dance, and film.
Copyright © AAIHS. May not be reprinted without permission.